Monday, November 19, 2007

the blues

recently i was attending a local movie launch at menara celcom where celcom was obvoiusly one of the main sponsors for the movie. Naturally, things had to be in blue, you know, to make things a lil flashy. here's the few things we found blue;

The screen,

The food,

Incidentally, your's truly and Yuri's drink.

And after that, Effa brought be to the Ibero American Film Festival where they we're screening a spanish movie (A Titan In The Ring/ Un Titan en el Ring) that apparently inspired Nacho Libre though the moods were definitely in different directions. 'A Titan in the Ring' was more of a insightfully melancholic movie portraying the lifestyle in a small village of South America. At least they had good food and wine after the movie to lift spirits:)

The hall,
Sam popped by too,

The kind and tolerent Effa:)

We then went to have a coffee in KLCC where sam and i found something to do that showed how sober-ness is not really affected by alcohol levels,

Nice pose Sam, aha!

So that was my eventful week. Had a quiet weekend and I will be meeting Effa again for another screening tomorrow. Stay tuned~

* Pics courtesy from Effa.


taileong said...

omg crystal! u actually sat tat car! :P

Xtal said...

hahahah! yeah man!
tryna catch me ridin dirty~