Monday, November 12, 2007

fish food

hello world. how was your weekend? Me? Mine was good. I was away having excellent home-cooked Indian food all weekend due to the festival of lights:)

Last thursday i decided to give my older brother (kor) a bitrhday treat. A friend informed me about this wonderful spa with a special attraction in all-new Pavilion; Feeding the fishes with your feet, literally! It's this place where you soak your legs from knee down into a pond-like place and this little fishies will come nibbling away all the dead skin cells while promoting blood circulation! That's what the receptionist said anyways. It was really ticklish at first and they were kind enough to provide me with towels to bury my face and muffling my shrieks. All in all, a great experience. Kor enjoyed it, so that was a success. We decided to treat our parents in the spa this coming Xmas:)

Excuze my blurry photos, i didnt have the camera with me so i used my cell.


My feet becoming fish food!

Kor's feet. The fishies seem to like him better.


Unknown said...

hahaha... I'm fine... MindValley still doing cool..

How's modelling have been going on?


eh, the fishie things looks cool.. i wanna try also.. how much ah?

Eh, ur blog... i cannot see the design wan?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.