Friday, January 11, 2008


Ladies and gents,

This is it, I have finally been involved with a humble film production for an upcoming movie for local and international screens! Wohoooo~~~

We had our first shoot yesterday and it was great. I'm really excited with the progression of this learning experience. I will, not be on the silver screens. as some of you might think, but even better. I will be directly involved with the whole production! I'm anticipating extreme mental pleasure and and intense stress at the same time. How does that make me feel? FUCKING EXCITED!!! Ahahahaha.. But most of these activities happen mentally, you don't get to see me jumping up and down like a chihuahua on caffeine overdose.

The people are great and each play a big part in this production. Special thanks to Yuri and Juli and Adrian for this priceless experience. Although I may tend to favour music production, but hey, this is still something I will indulge in. Do stay tune for updates and support locally made films!

BTW, which sounds better, Production Manager or Assistant Director?

1 comment:

Effa said...

you do know those two are different in terms of job posts? :p

go for AD! higher ranking! wakaka :)